Eastanollee Creek WPCP Improvements – Phase II
The City of Toccoa (“Owner”), is soliciting bids from professional firms interested in the Eastanollee Creek WPCP Improvements – Phase II project which includes but not limited to furnishing all equipment and materials and performing all labor necessary to remove and replace existing process equipment including aeration basin aeration and mixing systems, RAS pumps, polymer feed systems, UV disinfection system, digester aeration and mixing systems, sludge transfer pumps and slide gates, utility washwater pumps; plus completion of building & laboratory modifications, electrical system modifications, and construction & installation of a new sludge dewatering system, pre-engineered metal building, and electrical; plus process instrumentation, SCADA, yard and stormwater piping, temporary bypass pumping, concrete, asphalt, and gravel paving, earthwork, NPDES monitoring, soil erosion & sediment control, valves, coatings, HVAC, mobilization and demobilization, insurance, bonds, and all other appurtenances necessary to place the new treatment process equipment into operation. All bidders to this advertisement are subject to instructions communicated in the specifications outlined for the above mentioned project. Complete digital Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents are available at http://cartersloope.com/outforbid. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all statements of qualifications or proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities at the discretion of the Owner.
Please see the Eastanollee Creek WPCP Improvements – Phase II file attached for more details.